For over 20 years, doctors have been using Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy, or PRP Therapy, as a method for treating a variety of different conditions.  The rise in popularity of sporting activities, along with publicity of high-profile athletes, has given rise to the use of PRP Therapy.   Read on to learn more about what this therapy is and why some feel it is the treatment of choice for musculoskeletal conditions and other soft-tissue injuries.

What is Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy?

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy is a revolutionary treatment that eases pain by encouraging long-lasting healing of musculoskeletal conditions.  This non-surgical procedure provides an alternative treatment for athletes and active individuals who are suffering from chronic pain, tendon injuries, or osteoarthritis.  PRP Therapy uses platelets from your own blood to repair a damaged tendon or cartilage.  PRP Therapy is not only effective for combating pain, but also helps boost the healing process.

How Does Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy Work?

When your body experiences a soft-tissue injury, its first response is to deliver platelet cells containing growth and healing factors to the injured area.  Platelets trigger the repair process and attract healing assistance from your stem cells.  PRP Therapy works to promote your body’s natural healing process by delivering a higher concentration of platelets to the affected area.

PRP Therapy is commonly administered in an exam room and takes one to two hours (including preparation and recovery time).  During the procedure, a small sample of your blood is drawn (similar to a lab test sample) and placed in a centrifuge to separate out the platelets from other components.  This platelet-rich plasma is then injected into the injured area with the help of an ultrasound machine. Following therapy, we suggest relative rest for the first six weeks followed by physical therapy.  You will be called in for a re-evaluation to Advanced Chiropractic and Rehab between 6-12 weeks post-procedure to ascertain your progress.  If you have more complex injuries, you may need more than one injection to achieve the results you want.  Most patients find that within three months of treatment they can resume all activities they were doing prior to the injury.

What Conditions Can Be Treated with Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy?

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy has been an effective treatment option since it first began in 1987.  PRP Therapy has been used in the following fields to treat various conditions and injuries: orthopedics, sports medicine, dentistry, ENT, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, urology, and wound healing; as well as cosmetic, cardiothoracic, and maxillofacial surgery. The following injuries are commonly treated with PRP therapy:

How Does Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy Differ from Other Options?

According to the National Institute of Health, Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy provides a promising alternative to surgery by promoting safe and natural healing. PRP Therapy provides a non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical approach to sports injuries and chronic musculoskeletal conditions.  The less invasive approach PRP Therapy provides for these problems attracts thousands to the therapy each year.

What Are the Benefits of Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy?

PRP Therapy is an exciting treatment option for eliminating the usual downtime an athlete will experience after an injury while decreasing the likelihood of re-injury.  The last thing you want is to risk a more serious injury that would require surgical treatment or a permanent disability–PRP therapy helps prevent these occurrences.  Studies suggest that PRP Therapy can aid in:

  • Reducing inflammation
  • Preventing or decreasing postoperative blood loss
  • Combating infection
  • Eliminating narcotic requirements
  • Improve problems associated with osteogenesis
  • Promoting soft-tissue healing

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy can be performed right in the Advanced Chiropractic and Rehab office and provides pain relief without the risks of surgery, general anesthesia, hospital stays or prolonged recovery.  Because your own blood is used in the procedure, you don’t have to worry about transmissible infections or allergic reactions.  Most patients are able to return to work following the procedure.

What to Expect

At Advanced Chiropractic and Rehab, the goal of PRP Therapy is to relieve pain through natural healing while promoting long-lasting results.  Initial improvement may be seen within a few weeks, and will steadily increase as your healing advances. PRP Therapy allows you to return to your active lifestyle prior to injury. Ultrasound images will confirm for you and the team at Advanced Chiropractic and Rehab the tissue repair after PRP Therapy and verify the healing process.

Are You a Candidate?

PRP Therapy is typically prescribed for patients with moderate osteoarthritis or other musculoskeletal conditions that have failed conservative treatment options such as rest, medication, and physical therapy. You and the Advanced Chiropractic and Rehab team will discuss your health history, injury and goals to determine if Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy is for you.

Call for a Consultation

If you are interested in Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy, or any of our other regenerative therapies, the team at Advanced Chiropractic and Rehab is  ready to help. Call (414) 441-5501 today to schedule your free consultation!